By combining current research, the wisdom of traditional medicine systems and naturopathic principles, naturopathy is the patient-centric and holistic approach to health.

It is a distinct system of primary health care unique for its unifying principles which govern how naturopaths care for their patients.

Naturopathic Principles


First do no harm

The foundational principle underlying the naturopath’s ethic of care.

The healing power of nature

Supporting and facilitating the body’s natural ability to heal.

Treat the cause

Identifying and removing the underlying causes of disease.


Treat the whole person

Recognising that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are interconnected.

Practitioner as teacher

Giving patients the knowledge and confidence to optimise and take ownership of their health and vitality.

Prevent disease and promote health

Emphasising preventative health rather than purely reactive treatment of illness.

Naturopathic remedies


Diet and supplementation

Good nutrition is the foundation of health. We work with you on your diet choices - ‘food as medicine’. Where appropriate we prescribe nutraceuticals to support and restore health.



In the modern world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is challenging. We will discuss how to modify aspects of your lifestyle which might be impacting your health like sleep hygiene, stress management and living environment.

Herbal medicine

We prescribe gentle and effective remedies drawn from traditional usage which are increasingly being validated by research. We understand the ways in which they might complement or interact with pharmaceutical medications.